The Learning Fund Foundation is an independent, collaborative, not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization, led by a volunteer Board, to raise additional financial resources for School District 103 and serve as a catalyst for innovation, enrichment and educational excellence.
Since its inception in 1996, the Foundation has raised over $1 million in funding for programs that help enable teachers and administrators in District 103 fulfill the commitment to provide students with the highest standards of educational excellence and continuous improvements.
Since its inception in 1996, the Foundation has raised over $1 million in funding for programs that help enable teachers and administrators in District 103 fulfill the commitment to provide students with the highest standards of educational excellence and continuous improvements.
The Foundation focuses its activities on the following goals:
Advancing student development:
Build and develop school, business and community partnerships to support the work of District 103:
Establish a formal philanthropic vehicle that collects and allocates financial contributions towards student programs and initiatives that enhance Lincolnshire-Praire View School District 103 curriculum:
Advancing student development:
- Promote activities to strengthen student readiness for further education and lifelong success
- Support unique initiatives for the enhancement of educational excellence
- Provide resources for educational needs not associated with the fiscal responsibility of District 103
Build and develop school, business and community partnerships to support the work of District 103:
- Promote community awareness about the D103 School community
- Facilitate cooperative ventures throughout District 103
- Solicit financial and in-kind gifts from corporations, philanthropic institutions and civic organizations in and outside the D103 School community
Establish a formal philanthropic vehicle that collects and allocates financial contributions towards student programs and initiatives that enhance Lincolnshire-Praire View School District 103 curriculum:
- Donations to the Learning Fund are tax deductible
- Programs and activities are overseen by a volunteer board of directors
- Each year the learning fund awards $1,000 college scholarships to Stevenson High School graduates who previously had attended Daniel Wright Junior High in District 103
Lincolnshire-Prairie View School District 103 serves approximately 1,600 students in its three schools, each of which has been honored by the U.S. Department of Education for excellence in education: Laura B. Sprague, Half Day and Daniel Wright Junior High School. Children attending District 103 schools reside in Lincolnshire, Prairie View, and parts of Buffalo Grove, Lake Forest, Mettawa, Riverwoods and Vernon Hills.